Books “Integral Optimism and Happiness,” A New Book with Positive Inspirations and Integral Motivation, By Charles Alphonse Ofm Cap Can I be efficient and happy in this world? How to be healthy and optimistic in this covid19 and other despair inducing moments? Integral Optimism can be one of the effective responses. Being integrally spiritual and optimistic in life, one can have a new vision and perspective of persons, life and situations. While all others lose hope, an optimistic and spiritual person can have a new and transformative response. Transforming effects of this book: God is the source of integral optimism. Jesus, Buddha, Francis of Assisi, Clare of Assisi, Mother Teresa, Vethathiri Maharishi, Abdhul Kalam, James Kimpton, and others were passionately positive, truly spiritual and creative. Those who are inspired by God’s integral grace will do their little part everyday to make this world a better place. In modern world we need to know the integral healing methods present in other religions like Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Islam and other spiritual ways so that, like Pope Francis, we too can become messengers of peace and healing. This book has lots of formative insights to open our hearts to other cultures and religions in a respect filled way while knowing well our personal identity. It contains therapeutic tools, healing methods, inspiring stories and spiritual insights. What is new? Integral Optimism Paradigm, Update on Neuroscience Insights on healing, Sexual Integration and Affectivity, Integral Fitness with Brain Gym and Dance, NLP Optimism, Mood Design, Stories of Integral Leaders, Heart Therapy, Poornarita Integral Optimism Therapy (PIOT), Logosynthesis, Integral resilience and Integral Spiritual Ways. By gifting this book to your family members, friends, formees and others you will again do your part to inspire others. (By buying this book you will be also supporting a noble social work initiative for the needy). To place Overseas Online Order through Smashwords Publication Asian and Indian Edition:
Lo sapete? L'approccio dalla farfalla alla luna con purnarita Alle persone che osano essere ottimiste succedono cose interessanti. L'ottimismo, accanto alla grazia di Dio, trasforma le nostre sfide in opportunità che portano nuova vita, motivazione per provare qualcosa di nuovo e speranza per credere che possiamo farcela. Ed ecco un promemoria per voi: "Ricordati sei un ottimista". La traduzione italiana del libro "Ottimismo integrale e felicità", con alcune modifiche e un nuovo titolo, sarà pubblicata (Fuorilinea editore) l'8 luglio 2022 presso il David Palace Hotel a Porto San Giorgio, Via Gaspare e Sontini, 10, Italia. Titolo italiano: Ricordati sei un ottimista Purnarita: Pedagogia dell'ottimismo integrato al servizio della vita Autore: Fr. Charles Alphonse OFMCap Questo libro ha molte intuizioni e forza di attrazione per tutti coloro che desiderano diventare appassionatamente positivi, veramente amorevoli ed efficaci. Contiene esercizi di rafforzamento mentale, terapie di guarigione integrale, l'ottimismo delle neuroscienze, abilità di accompagnamento per gestire la malattia mentale, storie toccanti, pensiero sociale trasformante per costruire la vera umanità e meditazione spirituale per aumentare la forza interiore. Si ringraziano la Prof.ssa Arianna Bitti (Fondatrice dell'Istituto Bitti, Italia, e lo staff per il generoso impegno profuso nella realizzazione di questo libro e l'Avv. Giuseppe Siniscalchi (Fondatore del Fronteversismo, ) per il disegno della copertina. Lasciatevi ispirare e fate la vostra parte per rendere questo mondo una casa per tutti.
Testo in inglese: Do you know? The butterfly to moon approach with purnarita
Interesting things happen to people who dare to be optimistic. Optimism, next to the grace of God, transforms our challenges into opportunity bringing new life, motivation to try something new and offers hope to believe that we can succeed. And here comes a reminder to you: “Ricordati sei un ottimista,” – Remember you are an optimist Italian translation of the Book “Integral Optimism and Happiness,” with some modifications and a new title, will be published (fuorilinea publications) on 8th July 2022 at David Palace Hotel- Porto San Giorgio, Via Gaspare e Sontini, 10, Italy. Italian Title: Ricordati sei un ottimista (Remember you are an optimist) Purnarita: Pedagogia del ottimismo integrato al servizio della vita (Purnarita: Pedagogy of integral optimism for life) Di Fra. Charles Alphonse OFMCap This book has many inspirational insights and pulling force to all those who long to become passionately positive, truly loving and effective. It contains mind power exercises, integral healing therapies, optimism of neuroscience, coping skills to handle mental illness, heart touching stories, transformational social thought to build true humanity and spiritual meditation to increase the inner strength. Thanks to Prof. Arianna Bitti (Founder of Bitti Institute, Italy, ) and the staff for all their generous efforts to bring out this book and to Adv. Giuseppe Siniscalchi (Founder of Fronteversismo, ) for drawing the cover page. Get inspired and do your part to make this world a home to all